Roxy R Rickard


Art Recognition


Hosted solo art gallery Engrossed in Owensboro Community Technical College’s Dayman Gallery

As recognition for being an Associate in Fine Arts Candidate, OCTC

Allowed me to display my artwork in a solo galley


Received the Mount Hood Scholarship for Pacific Northwest College of Art

Upon being accepted into the prestigious Pacific Northwest College of Art, I also received the Mount Hood Scholarship for outstanding portfolio and demonstrated potential in my application.


Dayman Gallery Owensboro Community Technical College

My work Witch Hut, a found objects sculpture, was accepted into and featured in the 2023 Dayman Gallery.


Skylark Gallery Owensboro Community Technical College with the Purchase Award

My artworks (White bird, Kibun, Self Portrait, and Entity) were displayed in the Skylark gallery collection two years in a row, and my piece White Bird was featured and photographed in the local newspaper Messenger-Inquirer, And the piece Self Portrait received the Purchase Award from the gallery.

Seeking to find representation as an independent artist and find a place in the film industry creating props and using my sculpture skills in clay-mation animation


2022-May 2024

Associates in Visual Art

Owensboro Community Technical College

2020- May 2024

High school Diploma GPA 3.9

Owensboro Innovation Academy


  • Wide range of ideas and concepts

  • Ambitiousness

  • Talented in many different mediums

  • Flexibility between mediums

  • Always aiming to learn new skills and develop more techniques